Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Impact of Generosity

About two years ago, a friend of mine in Utah contacted me about an upcoming writers conference known as LTUE (Known as Life, the Universe and Everything - a play on words from the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy world). It was going to be held very close to his house, and knowing I was trying…
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The Consummate Professional

Recently my wife and I purchased a bit of land and have begun the process of getting everything together to eventually build a house on it. Which basically just means we now have no money, have to make a bunch of calls and research a mess of questions, and we fight a lot. One of…
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Don’t Lick Your Sister’s Face

Years ago, when I first had the idea for a blog, I had considered a category of articles entitled:  "Things I never thought I would have had to tell my children" But then I realized that's a pretty long category name. So I scrapped it and just went with the plain old germane category of…
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