
OMR: Legend of Hercules

I had originally intended the "Old Movie Reviews" category to be just that: reviews of older movies. However, this past weekend I saw a movie so incredible that I just had to write a review of it. I wrote last week of my utter joy and exultation at watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The…
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New Blog Category for Old Movie Reviews

As the title states, I have created a new blog category for "Old Movie Reviews". What is that? Occasionally I will write up a Blog post entry and review an old movie. By old, I mean something that is at least a year old, possibly more. All of us remember those old movies we watched…
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OMR : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

My kids are on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles kick. I don't know where exactly this came from; but it seems that now we cannot even speak to them for more than ten minutes or so without being regaled by the adventures of the four half shelled heroes, or being cautioned in tones of hushed…
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How can you help?

As you may know, at the time of this writing, I am in the beginning processes of launching my career as a professional writer. Whether or not I ever write professionally full time remains up in the air. However the first step in that process is getting myself published. I have completed my first full…
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