How can you help?

As you may know, at the time of this writing, I am in the beginning processes of launching my career as a professional writer. Whether or not I ever write professionally full time remains up in the air. However the first step in that process is getting myself published. I have completed my first full length novel, and I am working to build a fan base, get my name out there and establish myself as a brand.

Publishing has changed a lot in the last decade.

Gone are the days when your work truly stood alone and publishers were interested in helping authors to grow their brand. Today, when a prospective author approaches a publisher about his work, it helps to already have somewhat of an established audience. Social Media is one such way to begin establishing that audience. Hopefully you are here, because you would like to be in that select group of awesome people.

How can you help?

If you are interested in joining me on this journey, one that promises to be long, difficult and with odds worse than most nationwide lotteries, then there are a couple of things you can do. I have put them in a list for you.

  1. Like my public page on Facebook:
    On the right hand side of the screen you can find a widget where you can like my public profile page on Facebook. Please take a moment to like it. This will keep you up to date on things I post there on my progress and updates regarding my quest to become published.
  2. Follow me on Twitter:
    Also on the right hand side of the screen you can see there is a Twitter widget as well. Follow me on Twitter to get my latest tweets.
  3. Recommend my website to your friends:
    By copying and pasting my website URL address into your tweets or facebook status updates, you help me out by 'advertising' my website to your friends. These are people you may know, but I do not, and that helps me build an audience. "Word of mouth" is just as effective today as it was fifty years ago, only know the expression includes word of keyboard or phone, or Facebook, or Twitter etc.
  4. Follow my blog:
    Please subscribe to my blog. You will receive a snippet of each new blog post in email, which you can click on to come here and read. Read my posts and there is yet another widget along the bottom of each blog post, where you can share my Blog post with your friends using a variety of mediums (Facebook, Twitter, Google + etc). This helps me again, by raising awareness of my website, and hopefully builds me an audience to take to a prospective publisher when the time is right.
  5. Keep coming back:
    It's not a "one-and-done" sort of thing. I will work to publish at least one blog post a week, hopefully two. Please keep reading. This helps me with hits that are tracked, search engine ratings, the possibility of going viral etc. So please join me over the long haul, not just on opening day.

Thank you in advance. Hopefully someday you can say: "I knew him when he was a nobody." Chances are I will always be a nobody, but still.


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