Yearly Archives: 2014

Margin Book Review

Picture your favorite book in your hands, you're in your favorite reading spot, with your favorite drink. It's your favorite season of the year, and it's quiet, peaceful. You run your hands over the book's binding, your fingers touch the bookmark. You open the book to where you left off. Now look at the words on…
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Two Books to Read for 2015

I read a lot of books this year. Each year I plan to keep track, and each year I fail to execute that plan. Among the books I can recall reading this year, many were enjoyable. I really liked the uniqueness of the core idea in Brandon Sanderson's novella "Legion". I loved the prose and…
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Mom’s Night Out Review

Fran Drescher, playing the role of Nanny Fine, once said: "Guilt has been very good to my people." If memory serves she was referring to her Jewish heritage but guilt is hardly monopolized by the Jewish faith. Indeed religion (in nearly all forms) and guilt go together like mashed potatoes and gravy. The same could be said…
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Old Movie Reviews: Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy review: The death of storytelling? 'In Medias res' is the Latin translation of the phrase: "in the midst of things" and is a concept flouted among storytellers as the paramount virtue of the craft; the ability to start a story in the middle of the action. In the common vernacular another…
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