Category Archives: Old Movie Reviews

Broadchurch Review

Have you ever watched a show and thought, this is so good, I literally cannot think of anything it's not doing well? Me either. As a card-carrying member of the pessimist's society, I can usually find something I don't like about just about anything. What can I say? I have a gift. That was until…
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Recently, my wife and I made the difficult decision to cancel our satellite TV subscription. With the satellite bill seemingly going up each month, we felt that $100.00 a month was just too much. I was shocked to discover I was paying over $1200.00 a year for long hours of mindless entertainment. So we got…
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Call The Midwife Review

One evening recently, in the midst of a tiring and stressful week, my wife and I sat down to watch some TV after getting the kids to bed for the night. She asked what I wanted to watch. I said I wanted to watch something cheerful and lighthearted. She held up a DVD box she…
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Mom’s Night Out Review

Fran Drescher, playing the role of Nanny Fine, once said: "Guilt has been very good to my people." If memory serves she was referring to her Jewish heritage but guilt is hardly monopolized by the Jewish faith. Indeed religion (in nearly all forms) and guilt go together like mashed potatoes and gravy. The same could be said…
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