Yearly Archives: 2015

Remembering Gene

[caption id="attachment_458" align="alignleft" width="225"] Gene-O, how we all remember him.[/caption] I'm not much of a jewelry guy. This is not due to any false machismo line of thinking that real men don't wear jewelry. On the contrary, my wife's family is full of tall, heavily-muscled, real Italian men wearing jewelry that would make Mr. T…
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Broadchurch Review

Have you ever watched a show and thought, this is so good, I literally cannot think of anything it's not doing well? Me either. As a card-carrying member of the pessimist's society, I can usually find something I don't like about just about anything. What can I say? I have a gift. That was until…
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The Jerk-O-Meter-Ambulance-Theory

[caption id="attachment_439" align="alignleft" width="300"] This is more important than you.[/caption] Have you ever wondered how big of a Jerk you are? Call it what you want, Tool, Douche, Dirt-bag, whatever. I now have a definitive measuring stick to figure it out. You're welcome. My theory evaluates the "Jerk-Meter-Levels" in your life based on Ambulances. It…
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Happy Birthday to Me

This past August I celebrated my thirty-sixth birthday. Holy crap! Where does the time go? I don't want to say anything corny like: "It seems like only yesterday I was walking home from school, uphill, in the snow, both ways under Nazi fire." But it does seem as though time is passing by at the…
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